This month we have a private, all included event planned! We’re headed to the Seaport, where Capital One’s Cafe will be closed to the public, and catered just for our members to network with each other. Not a member and looking to attend? Details Below.
It's our monthly Networking Night for Young Professionals, where we meet and make new connections with Young Professionals in Boston. Meet other young professionals like yourself to collaborate, exchange ideas, find clients or referrals, learn about a job opening, and most importantly build your network. Preprinted Name tags with your name, company and job position will be prepared for you in advance.
What to expect:
Complimentary Beer and Wine
Plenty of food to fuel you after work
Lots of BostonYPA members to Reconnect with
If you haven’t had a chance to enjoy our events in these spaces please do! Ask your fellow members who have enjoyed meeting here.
To RSVP: Members please RSVP using the links in your eNewsletter begining 11/04!
We will also be offering new head shots upstairs! Reserve your space here. Head shots are included for our Young Executive and Business Members, however please rsvp in advance with the links in your eNewsletter. Guests and Young Professional Members, please use the link to purchase your session.
Not a member yet? Reserving a Head Shot Session will also gain you entry to our Networking Night!
This is the right event for you if you want to:
*Find New Clients or Referrals, or meet other professionals to align with
*Increase your visibility in the Boston Community
*Meet with recruiters to learn about their job openings, or network with candidates and job seekers.
*Connect with key members of BostonYPA and learn more about the Boston Young Professionals Association.
This event is proudly sponsored by:
We’re enjoying Capital One’s Seaport Cafe at this event. Did you know young professionals meet here everyday to work and collaborate? Check them out here.