Meet and make new connections with Young Professionals in Boston. Meet other young professionals like yourself to collaborate, exchange ideas, find clients or referrals, learn about a job opening, and most importantly build your network.
This month we’re meeting at the beautiful Industrious Harvard Square location, where we can enjoy their amenities and a fully catered evening!
What’s Provided:
Appetizers - we know you’re coming from work, we’ll keep you fueled.
Preprinted Name tags with your name, company and job position
Participate in a complimentary wine tasting, brought to us by member Stephen Nasiatka
BostonYPA members may RSVP with the links in their eNewsletter beginning9/11/24
Not a Member? Join BostonYPA today!
Wine Tasting Opportunity:
On behalf of StephenUncorked (LinkedIn: Stephen Nasiatka and StephenUncorked), you have the option you for a guided wine tasting experience, featuring limited-production wines from the award-winning wineries of the Boisset Collection!
When you check in at our event, you’ll be able to sign up for 1 of the 3 sessions: 6:15, 6:45, and 7:15pm. You will be tasting 3-4 wines that are typically not available outside world-famous tasting rooms such as Raymond Vineyards in Napa Valley, Buena Vista Winery in Sonoma, and DeLoach Vineyards in Russian River Valley. As a wine tasting is no fun without bubbles – Stephen will start the tasting with a sparkling brut rosé, the JCB No.69, a customer favorite. For a preview of the types of wines in the Boisset Collection, please check out
This is the right event for you if you want to:
Find New Clients or Referrals, or meet other professionals to align with
Increase your visibility in the Boston Community
Meet with recruiters to learn about their job openings, or network with candidates and job seekers.
Connect with key members of BostonYPA and learn more about the Boston Young Professionals Association.
Learn about and sample unique wines!
Location Provided By:
Bored of working from home or looking to switch up your office space? Take a look at Industrious! They are the only all-inclusive, national coworking space with premium amenities, a daily food & beverage program, all-day snacks, weekly happy hours, and the number 1 customer satisfaction rate in the industry. Submit your information here so you can take a tour of the space! And best yet, by signing up through us, you can earn up to $1,000 off your office!